Bankruptcy for Businesses

Navigating Economic Challenges: A Guide for Struggling Truckers

Facing financial difficulties in the trucking industry? Discover how Van Horn Law Group can help truckers with debt relief, business…

5 months ago

Is corporate dissolution in your future? 10 common questions (and their answers!)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Dissolving a corporation can be daunting, but it’s a necessary step…

1 year ago

Evaluating the Path Ahead: Chapter 11 Reorganization or Corporate Dissolution for Your Small Business?

Fear not, there is a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos: Chapter 11 reorganization and corporate dissolution.

1 year ago

Now What? A Surge in Bankruptcies Looms as Pandemic Recovery Funds Vanish

Many of those funds are starting to run out, leaving people wondering what comes next. And as a result, experts…

2 years ago

Is There Any Financial Assistance for Businesses Left Post-Pandemic?

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, many government agencies offered financial assistance for businesses and individuals alike

2 years ago

How Can a Business Bankruptcy Give You Something to Be Thankful for?

If your business is buried in debt or having trouble paying bills, learn more about how business bankruptcy can give…

2 years ago

What Can I Do if I Can’t Repay My Covid Business Loans?

Many small business owners in Florida have struggled to repay Covid business loans. If you are one of these business…

2 years ago

How Can Chapter 11 Bankruptcy After the Pandemic Help My Business Recover?

Perhaps the most satisfying benefit of filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after the pandemic is the relief of harassment.

2 years ago

Can a Truck Be a Tool in Bankruptcy?

Can a truck be a tool in bankruptcy? The answers can be even more confusing than you might imagine.

2 years ago

Here’s Why Truck Driver Bankruptcies Are on the Rise

Sudden job loss was a leading reported cause of bankruptcy in the last two years. Truck driver bankruptcies are no…

2 years ago