
Navigating Contractor Bankruptcy: Challenges and Solutions

The construction industry is no stranger to financial turbulence, with contractors facing a growing threat of bankruptcy due to various…

4 months ago

Is corporate dissolution in your future? 10 common questions (and their answers!)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, know that you’re not alone. Dissolving a corporation can be daunting, but it’s a necessary step…

2 years ago

Evaluating the Path Ahead: Chapter 11 Reorganization or Corporate Dissolution for Your Small Business?

Fear not, there is a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos: Chapter 11 reorganization and corporate dissolution.

2 years ago

Is There Any Financial Assistance for Businesses Left Post-Pandemic?

During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, many government agencies offered financial assistance for businesses and individuals alike

2 years ago

<strong>How Can a Business Bankruptcy Give You Something to Be Thankful for?</strong>

If your business is buried in debt or having trouble paying bills, learn more about how business bankruptcy can give…

2 years ago

<strong>Be Careful with Merchant Cash Advances – Here’s What to Do if This Warning Comes Too Late</strong>

Whatever the scenario you might find yourself and your business in, there are options for dealing with the fallout of…

2 years ago

What Can I Do if I Can’t Repay My Covid Business Loans?

Many small business owners in Florida have struggled to repay Covid business loans. If you are one of these business…

2 years ago

How to Dissolve a Corporation in Florida

There are many reasons why a person or company board may elect to dissolve a corporation in Florida. Whether that…

3 years ago

What is “Chapter 5 Bankruptcy” – and How Could It Benefit Your Business Post-COVID?

The new subchapter of bankruptcy created through the small Business Reorganization Act was subchapter V – often referred to in…

4 years ago

How COVID-19 has Impacted South Florida Small Businesses and the Hospitality Industry

Get ready, because Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy attorney Chad Van Horn is going LIVE on Facebook August 19th at 12:00 pm.…

4 years ago