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Why You Should Talk to a Florida Repossession Attorney

Call us today to speak to a repossession attorney and get back on the road to financial stability.

3 years ago

Can’t Afford a Lawyer to File Bankruptcy? Zero Down Bankruptcy Could be an Option!

Every bankruptcy attorney hears this sooner or later. "I'm so broke that I can't afford a lawyer to file for…

4 years ago

Homeowners and Renters Need to Know What Happens when the Moratorium Ends

This article has been put off a few times waiting for the Senate to get moving through June and past…

4 years ago

Understanding the Eviction Process in Florida During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The world has been rocked by the impact of COVID-19. There are few aspects of life where this comes into…

4 years ago

Can You Reverse a Wage Garnishment in Florida?

There are also other types of income that may not be garnished. You must proceed carefully when trying to reverse…

4 years ago

How to Stop Living Off Credit Cards: 10 Tips

Here’s a list of tips to help you out of the hole, but there’s no silver bullet that can get…

4 years ago

¿Es Buena o Mala Idea una Modificación Hipotecaria?

Usted habrá escuchado acerca de la modificación hipotecaria, especialmente si alguna vez ha estado súper atrasado en una hipoteca.  Pero,…

4 years ago

What to Know About Voluntary Car Repossession in Florida

If you’re considering voluntary car repossession in Florida and want more information, feel free to check out Van Horn Law…

4 years ago

Put the Brakes On: Vehicle Repossession Laws for Lienholders in Florida

One of the things you will want to know about vehicle repossession laws for lienholders in Florida is when you…

4 years ago

Mortgage Refinance After Chapter 7 – Is It Possible?

It may seem like getting a mortgage refinance after Chapter 7 bankruptcy is impossible. However, there are ways to secure the…

4 years ago