Get Out of Debt

Using the Snowball Method for Paying off Debt

For anyone searching Google for “methods to get out of debt” you have no doubt turned up various methods to…

7 years ago

How to Use the Snowflake Debt Approach in Three Steps

Money trouble -- it's a problem that just won't go away.  Millions of Americans find themselves in debt, with bills…

7 years ago

Rags, Riches and Royalty: The Parable of the Thomas Markle Bankruptcies

The latest celebrity gossip and rags to riches story also has a more complicated financial lesson to go with it.…

7 years ago

Can You Pay One Credit Card with Another Credit Card?

One of the most popular questions on the Internet concerning finances is, “Can you pay one credit card with another…

7 years ago

Miami Is the Number One City in America with the Fastest Growing Credit Card Debt

Miami has racked up a special honor. It’s not the kind of accolade anyone really wants, but it is significant…

7 years ago

What is a Collection Judgment?

Being in debt is never pleasant for anyone, especially when a creditor sues you and wins a debt collection judgment…

7 years ago

How Long Does an American Express Settlement Take?

If you’ve stopped paying on your account because you got laid off or were in an accident, it may be…

7 years ago

How to Cope with Depression and Money Worries

Being in money troubles can cause or exacerbate existing mental health issues, including anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Finding yourself constantly…

7 years ago

Does Paying Credit Card Debt with Another Credit Card Work?

The answer is, "Sometimes it can." It's certainly one of the most popular ways to pay off a debt, but…

7 years ago

We Can Help With Your New Year’s Resolution of Becoming Debt Free

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to becoming debt free, but you’re not sure where to start—well you’re…

7 years ago