One thing that people may not consider right away when contemplating bankruptcy is that it can really bring a fresh start in multiple areas of a person’s life. Obviously, financial peace and freedom from overwhelming debt are a priority, but there are a lot of other ways that a successful bankruptcy discharge can help you begin to rebuild your life. From better housing to regaining your freedom to drive and even seek better employment, making the right choices regarding bankruptcy – and adhering to the advice offered by your bankruptcy attorney – can make a world of difference in creating a better future for yourself and your family.
Have you had your license revoked or suspended on account of unpaid traffic fines? If so, you may feel like there’s no way to get back on the road. This is especially true if you are dealing with overwhelming debt. How can you afford to address large traffic fines if you can’t even pay your bills?
For some, bankruptcy may be the answer. However, choosing the right type of bankruptcy for this purpose – and understanding how that bankruptcy can help you – is imperative to making the best of your scenario. While bankruptcy is a serious decision, it can be the smartest move for those struggling with debt who are also being handicapped from moving forward and upward in life by the legal inability to drive.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy and chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you in different ways. If you’re looking to discharge your traffic fines entirely, chapter 13 might be a better bet, since it may allow for the discharge of these types of fines so long as they are not related to criminal activity. Still, both chapter 13 and chapter 7 bankruptcy can be helpful in eliminating your traffic fine debt in various ways. Here’s a little more about each:
For some, a chapter 7 bankruptcy is the best way to address all of their debt, including traffic fines. It is important to note that chapter 7 bankruptcy does not typically allow for the dismissal or discharge of traffic fines as part of the overall debt relief it provides. However, there is another important way that this bankruptcy option can help you relieve the pressure you may be under financially.
When you choose a chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of your major debts will be discharged. If successful, debts from credit card balances to past-due medical bills will be eliminated or largely relieved, leaving much more room in your budget to address other financial concerns, such as traffic fines. This way, you can focus on repaying those charges and working toward reestablishing your license – and all the benefits that come with it.
If you are interested in actually ridding yourself of traffic fines that have built up, you may prefer a chapter 13 bankruptcy over chapter 7. This type of bankruptcy may actually allow you to dismiss these fines altogether.
This dismissal is highly dependent on the type of fines you have accrued. Nothing that is associated with criminal activity can be dismissed. The type of traffic violation committed and the way your state views these violations – as either civil or criminal – will determine the result of a chapter 13 bankruptcy being applied to your situation. It is important to speak with your local bankruptcy attorney regarding whether the specific fines you have are eligible for dismissal during a chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Even if this type of bankruptcy does not clear these fines, though, it can still help you improve your financial situation and regain your license. After all, the entire point of this bankruptcy format is the restructuring of debt and manageable repayment. This includes traffic fines, which can be worked into your repayment plan to make them more manageable in terms of repaying them properly. Once they’re paid off, you can work toward meeting any other mandated requirements and get your license back.
After all of this discussion, you’re probably waiting for a straight answer – does bankruptcy clear tickets?
The simple answer is no. Bankruptcy may be able to help you dismiss the fines you have accrued, or – more likely – to help you pay them off in a more manageable way. However, it does not remove these fines from your driving record or otherwise negate them. That said, it can still be a powerful tool in helping you regain your freedom and independence and therefore your marketability as an employee and more. Having the ability to legally drive can restore balance to parts of your life you may have not even considered – and can help you begin rebuilding your future once your bankruptcy has been discharged.
Whether you’re looking to secure better employment, find better housing in an area farther from your current location or job, or simply looking to regain the freedom you once had to attend to your needs and those of your family, regaining your license can help you do all of that. Start the process of getting back on the road by considering whether bankruptcy might be the right option for you.
For more information about how bankruptcy may be beneficial to your unique situation, talk to the industry leaders at the Van Horn Law Group. They can help you choose the right debt relief solution for your circumstances and determine whether it can address all of the issues you’re dealing with. Whether you choose chapter 7 bankruptcy, chapter 13 bankruptcy, or something else entirely, they can guide you through every step of the process and ensure that you’re making the best choices for you and your family.
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