Getting your credit back on track and moving yourself out of debt can seem impossible, especially after a major crash. Whatever the reason, many people find themselves in deep without ever intending to get there. In some cases, you can rebuild fairly quickly. However, in the case of a bankruptcy, you can have a shadow over your credit report for a very long time. Don’t despair, there are some things that you can do to repair your credit!
Now here is a big, huge, gigantic don’t.
Do not fall for credit “repair” scams that promise they can wipe out bad credit, or give you a new credit profile of identity. These guys are frauds and are in violation of federal law. Following their advice could land you in an even worse mess than you are in right now. It is absolutely 100 percent illegal to misrepresent your Social Security number. Do not listen to these guys. They prey on people who are desperate and looking for a miracle fix to pull them out of a jam.
If you are desperate enough to think about going to one of these charlatans, I can tell you that you’d be better off coming to Van Horn Law Group for a consultation. There are other ways, perfectly legal, to get you out of a jam that won’t land you in the pokey.
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