At least eight presidents have experienced financial hardship and even presidential bankruptcies.
The first thing you need to know is that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy with no assets is not a sure…
Let’s break down the different types of bankruptcy qualifications.
Facing wage garnishment can be a stressful situation, especially if you don’t fully understand Florida wage garnishment laws.
There are situations in which individual debt may cause individuals to wonder, “Can one spouse file for bankruptcy?”
If you are receiving calls and letters from a debt collector trying to collect after 10 years or more, here…
When you are first contacted for an unsecured debt collection in Florida, whether it is by phone, letter, text, or…
The easiest way to stop debt collection calls is simply to demand that they stop.
If you are facing a bank garnishment and the debt is valid, you have the right to appeal under the…
1 Global Capital LLC is currently under Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Florida Southern District Federal Court