Credit Counseling vs. Debt Settlement – Which One is Right for You?

6 years ago

When you’re facing monumental debt, finding a workable solution is of paramount importance. Understanding your options can help, but sometimes…

When Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Florida Is the Best Decision

6 years ago

Deciding to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Florida is never easy. People tend to put it off for longer…

The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make Before Filing Bankruptcy

6 years ago

Not many people know that bankruptcy is a constitutional right. In Article1, Section 8, Clause 4 of the United States…

Understanding the Impact and Scope of Bankruptcy for Seniors

7 years ago

American society is in a peculiar place right now. In past generations, elders were some of the wealthiest and most…

Options with Social Security Disability and Credit Card Debt

7 years ago

When the financial storm clouds over your budget and overall credit history, it is easy to assume there is no…

Overwhelmed in Debt? Four Helpful Options

7 years ago

If you are in debt, then you can rest assured in knowing that you are not alone. According to the…

What Must I Do to Resolve Judgments Against Me?

7 years ago

As you check your credit report, you may notice that there are several public records or judgments posted that seem…

Social Security Overpayment & Bankruptcy FAQs For Seniors

7 years ago

The New York Times reports that bankruptcy is increasingly a fact of life for many senior citizens feeling a hard…

How to Know When Debt Collectors Using Fake Summons Contact You

7 years ago

You have just been served with a court summons. As soon as you first realized what you were holding in…

Plan on Leaving the Country? Maybe Not if Your Tax Debt is Too High

7 years ago

Did you know that you could be denied a passport or have your passport revoked for excessive tax debt? You…