If your business is buried in debt or having trouble paying bills, learn more about how business bankruptcy can give…
Whatever the scenario you might find yourself and your business in, there are options for dealing with the fallout of…
Many small business owners in Florida have struggled to repay Covid business loans. If you are one of these business…
Chad Van Horn, founding partner attorney of Van Horn Law Group, P.A., was chosen from a pool of candidates nationwide…
Perhaps the most satisfying benefit of filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after the pandemic is the relief of harassment.
Can a truck be a tool in bankruptcy? The answers can be even more confusing than you might imagine.
Sudden job loss was a leading reported cause of bankruptcy in the last two years. Truck driver bankruptcies are no…
Florida Trend magazine, the state’s leading business magazine, named Broward County-based Van Horn Law Group, P.A. as among Florida’s top…
Van Horn Law Group, P.A. stepped up to partner with Nova Southeastern University’s Shepard Broad College of Law by committing…
Since you can file for bankruptcy more than once if necessary, you might now be wondering: how often can you…