Can I Keep My Boat In Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?

3 years ago

In Chapter 13, you can retain your assets, including your boat, even though it’s considered a non-essential item. 

How Might the New 40-Year FHA Loan Modification Option Impact You?

3 years ago

In early April 2022, the FHA introduced a proposal that would add an additional 120 months to the maximum terms…

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward’s BIG Thank You Breakfast Celebrated BIG Mentors

3 years ago

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County celebrated its Bigs at a special BIG Thank You Breakfast that attracted more…

Cars and Bankruptcy: Can I Keep My Car If I File Chapter 13?

3 years ago

If you have a car, keeping it might be one of your top concerns, so will filing for Chapter 13…

What is the Purpose of Forbearance?

3 years ago

Forbearance became a popular word in the last two years as the COVID-19 pandemic left many Florida families wondering how…

Should I Reaffirm My Mortgage After Chapter 7?

3 years ago

After all of this, you may still be wondering: should I reaffirm my mortgage after chapter 7? Is there an…

Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Stop Eviction for Florida Renters?

3 years ago

Can chapter 7 bankruptcy stop eviction or otherwise slow the process? You may have heard that a bankruptcy will stop…

Florida House Passes Bill Increasing Motor Vehicle Exemption During Bankruptcy

3 years ago

Tallahassee, Fla. –The Florida House of Representatives today passed CS/HB 265, which increased the value of motor vehicles owned by…

Can You Combine Bankruptcy and Loan Modification Program

3 years ago

If you are falling behind on mortgage payments and are unsure if you will be able to catch up, you…

Why and How Does a Medical Debt Affect Your Credit Score?

3 years ago

Medical debt happens. No matter how hard you try to ensure that you don’t accrue it, the majority of people…