Even for people with insurance, medical bills can rapidly become overwhelming and are the number one cause of bankruptcy. It’s not just the initial expenses of an illness or injury, such as the visit to the ER, or admission to a hospital, but often the expenses that come afterwards for rehabilitation and continuing care that can last a lifetime. You can often negotiate medical debt on your own, with a little advice from some friendly professionals.
If you’re feeling a little uncertain about doing this on your own, call our offices in Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach. We can show you some of the tips and tricks that we use, and offer you advice on finding your best way forward. We are an experienced law firm that deals almost exclusively with debt of various kinds, using multipronged strategies to get our clients a good result. Whether it’s a consolidation loan, a bankruptcy filing, or renegotiating your debt, our professionals are here to work with you in your best interests. Call us today, and let us help.
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