Debt Collection

Is there a Statue of Limitations for a Judgment Against Me?

Twenty years from the formal date of entry of the judgment against you, your outstanding debt is still actionable from…

6 years ago

How Should You Answer a Debt Collection Lawsuit?

Best practices for immediately after you are served with a debt collection lawsuit.

6 years ago

Cómo saber cuándo los cobradores de deudas que utilizan citaciones falsas se comunican con usted

¿Cómo sabe si se trata de una citación judicial oficial o simplemente de un señuelo fraudulento? Los cobradores de deudas…

6 years ago

Qué hacer al recibir una citación de Capital One Bank

Capital One Bank quiere saber qué hay en su bolsillo y han emitido una citación para obtenerlo.

6 years ago

Cómo detener un juicio de Citibank y el embargo de salario

Su empleador puede llamarle a la oficina con algunas noticias incómodas. Sus salarios están siendo embargados debido a una sentencia…

6 years ago

Strategies for Getting Out of Debt (Eventually)

Getting out of debt is like losing weight. You didn’t pack it on overnight, and you’re not going to lose…

6 years ago

How Does Deficiency Balance after Auto Repossession Work?

It is bad enough to lose your automobile, but to find out that the lender is demanding a deficiency balance…

6 years ago

Do You Need to Stop Wage Garnishment Immediately?

Do You Need to Stop Wage Garnishment Immediately? When your wages are being garnished, this means a portion of your…

6 years ago

Credit Counseling vs. Debt Settlement – Which One is Right for You?

When you’re facing monumental debt, finding a workable solution is of paramount importance. Understanding your options can help, but sometimes…

6 years ago

What Must I Do to Resolve Judgments Against Me?

As you check your credit report, you may notice that there are several public records or judgments posted that seem…

7 years ago