Your lawyer can help you make sense of all the details of your case but for an overview, here’s your…
Hundreds of thousands of businesses and millions of people in the United States struggle to pay rent – and worry about what…
How many times can you file chapter 7 bankruptcy? Here’s more of what you need to know before considering another…
Perhaps the most exciting part of the entire Florida bankruptcy timeline is the day of discharge.
What happens if your household exceeds the bankruptcy income contribution threshold?
Ft Lauderdale Bankruptcy Attorney Chad Van Horn is here to help individuals, families and businesses through difficult financial times.
Call us today to speak to a repossession attorney and get back on the road to financial stability.
After all of this discussion, you’re probably waiting for a straight answer - does bankruptcy clear tickets?
What is the income limit for Chapter 7 and do you qualify?
The cure and maintain plan is a crucial exception to the typical Chapter 13 bankruptcy rule that secured creditors’ claims are paid…